Jurnal Kesehatan is a scientific open-access journal published by the UPPM, Ternate Health Polytechnic. All submitted articles will be reviewed by reviewers using the double-blind method. The author who will send the manuscript, please read the writing instructions below:
- To submit articles, please go to the page Submissions | Jurnal Kesehatan
- If you don't have an account and password, please create one first, then you can log in using the account and password
- that you created. Prepare the manuscript according to the instructions below.
- Submissions will undergo rigorous editorial checks for plagiarism and writing format. Manuscripts that do not pass the initial examination will not be continued to the reviewer.
- Manuscripts will not be processed if they do not follow the style of the journal Kesehatan writing instructions TEMPLATE JURNAL BARU.docx - Google Docs.
Make sure all the documents below are ready to be uploaded simultaneously
- Manuscript (according to template).
- Copyright Statement (signed by First authors/Corresponding author), and Conflict of Interest Form (signed by all authors) upload it in the supplementary file.
- Ethical clearance (for research with invasive measures), upload it in the supplementary file.
- All manuscripts are written in English or Bahasa.
- Manuscripts are written in a minimum word format MS-Office 2010.
- The paper used is A4 size with top, bottom, left and right margins of 1 inch (2.5 cm).
- The manuscript is typed in Times New Roman, measuring 11 pt with 1.5 spaces.
- Do not use bold for emphasis in text.
- Don't use tabs or indents to start a new paragraph.
- Do not use any automatic features in your software.
The title of the article should be written briefly and clearly, not allowing for multiple interpretations. The title is written in Indonesian using capital letters and cannot contain unusual word abbreviations. At the bottom of the title, the full name without title, affiliation, correspondence address and email address of all authors is written.
Abstract contains a summary of the article, which includes background, research objectives, research methods, summary of findings and conclusions. The maximum number of words is 200 words and the maximum number of keywords is 5 words. Especially for Abstract, the text is written with a left margin of 35 mm, top margin of 30 mm, right and bottom 20 mm with a font size of 10pt and Times New Roman typeface.
The introduction should contain (in order) a general background, a review of the previous literature as the basis for the statement of the scientific novelty of the article, a gap analysis or statement of scientific novelty, the research problem or hypothesis, the problem-solving approach and the purpose of the review of the article. In the format of scientific articles, literature reviews are not allowed as in research reports, but are embodied in the form of previous literature reviews to show the scientific novelty of the article.
The research method describes the stages of research / development carried out to achieve research objectives / targets. Each stage is briefly described (eg each step in a paragraph). Also informs the materials / platforms used in this research, including the subject / material studied, the tools / software used, the design or experiment used, the sampling technique, the test plan (variables to be measured and data collection techniques), analysis and the statistical model used.
The results are made clearly and concisely without providing interpretation and extrapolation of the results being reported, and there is no need to provide an explanation of the method at the beginning of the research results. All results from the analysis and experiments are reported in the manuscript including the results of the sensitivity analysis and secondary analysis. The results reported were not limited to results that were statistically significant or results selected to support the study hypothesis. It is necessary to clearly state the number of observations in each analysis, as well as information about missing data, handling and treatment methods in the analysis.
The discussion contains research findings. Write down the scientific findings obtained from the results of the research that has been carried out but must be supported by adequate data. Scientific findings must be explained scientifically including: What scientific findings were obtained? Why is this happening? Why is the trend variable like that? All such questions must be explained scientifically, not only descriptively, if necessary supported by an adequate scientific base phenomenon. In addition, it must also be compared with the results of other researchers whose topics are similar. Researchers must convey honestly regarding the weaknesses of the research. Research findings must be able to answer the research hypothesis in the introduction.
Conclusions only answer the hypothesis and / or research objectives or scientific findings obtained. Conclusions do not contain reiteration of the results and discussion, but rather to summarize the findings as expected in the objective or hypothesis. If necessary, at the end of the conclusion, things to be done can also be written related to the next research idea.
Writing a bibliography using the APA (American Psychological Association) Style format. Using MENDELEY, ZOTERO, or similar applications
All references referred to in the text of the article must be listed in the Bibliography. The bibliography must contain references from primary sources (50% books, 30% scientific journals from outside health vocational journals and 20% from health vocational journals) published in the last 10 (ten) years. Each article contains at least 10 (ten) references.
- The entire table becomes part of the manuscript.
- Table numbers are written sequentially in Arabic numerals (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 etc.).
- The title is written clearly and informatively in each table.
- Head of table using Times New Roman font, size 11 pt.
- Fill in the table using 10 pt times new roman letters with single spaces.
- If the table comes from another publication, the source is obliged to include.
- All drawings become part of the manuscript.
- Figure numbers are written sequentially in Arabic numerals (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 etc.).
- Image format can be JPEG with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI and dimensions of 1,000 x 1,000 pixels. Color image with CMYK or RGB format.
- Letters, numbers and symbols must be clear and even, and of sufficient size. If the size is reduced for publication, each item will remain clearly identifiable.
- If the image comes from another publication, the source must be stated.